Caldwell Chapel Summer Wedding | Louisville, KY & Indiana Wedding Photographer
Isaac awaited for Miranda in the shade of court yard of Louisville Seminary and Garden Court. They stood back to back, reading the words they had written to each other.
Photo Lulu Photography is a professional photographer that specializes in New Borns, Children, Families and High School Seniors.
Isaac awaited for Miranda in the shade of court yard of Louisville Seminary and Garden Court. They stood back to back, reading the words they had written to each other.
Adam & Ashlee’s classic black and white wedding at The Grand in New Albany, Indiana, was perfectly and thoughtfully curated in so many ways.
HELLO! I’m back to this corner of the internet from my winter hideous of sharing anything pertaining to business.
Laken and Joey’s Southern Indiana Summer Engagement session is proof, that they are two very fun people.
Huber’s Orchard and Winery in the fall is known for hosting golden sunsets and golden weddings like Cameron and Paige’s wedding.
Courtney and Adam’s Covered Bridge wedding was full of love family and fun. Walking into Adams childhood home, you can hear the excitement coming from both upstairs and downstairs.
For Ashlee and Adams southern Indiana engagement session we met at the Rails Bar and Grill in Seymour Indiana, where they had had their first date. Since then on the anniversary of … More Seymour Indiana Engagement Session | Adam & Ashlee | IN & Kentucky Wedding Photographer »
Ryan and Kelsi are two of the sweetest souls. Their fall wedding at Montgomery Farms was abundantly full of love and support from so many friends and family.
There was something magical about this Indiana Woodland Wedding. Surrounded by candles and the autumn breeze Grant awaited for his bride. Alora gently stepped to Grant and tapped his shoulder. As he … More Indiana Woodland Wedding | IN & Kentucky wedding Photographer »
The Peppin Mansion was full of busy bees prepping all the things for Darian and Pearces wedding day. When all was in place, it was time for Darian to get into … More Indiana’s Pepin Mansion September Wedding | Kentucky Wedding Photographer »