The Georgetown, Indiana Drive-in Theater served as the backdrop for Zoe & Chris’s spring engagement session.
My number one suggestion to all my Lulu couples when it comes to choosing an engagement session location, is to pick a location that is special to them as a couple. Zoe and Chris did just that! When Zoe asked my thought about the drive-in, I was all for it! So neat! And so them! They frequent the drive-in often, then add Chris’s red Pontiac Firebird in the mix and it was perfection.
The best part among the location and the car prop, was the fun Zoe and Chris had the whole time. Eating popcorn became a game- (Quite entertaining if I might add.) Dancing in the sunset became a test of Zoe’s strength to carry Chris on her back. Not to mention the random laughing and murmurs between them both that took place. They, and I, had a blast! The friendship that these two have, among their romantic relationship, is evident. I was once told that a friendship is a blessing, among a good marriage. What a blessing these two have in each other.
Cheers to their friendship and love!