Hard Questions


My sweet friend meant to write New Year, NEW You…but in her sleepy stupor and lack of caffeine, the “ew” didn’t quite make it on the page. We got a chuckle out of it of course, but it later caused me to ask myself, ‘Is this a New Year, and New Me?’ Am I showing up for the year, hustling, setting goals for myself, for my business, for my future? Am I working toward being a better wife, friend, photographer, entrepreneur?  Am I following through with actions? Have the goals I wrote down made it off the page? All at once those thoughts can seem overwhelming. I think it’s wise to take a moment, stop, and be honest with yourself and ask yourself the hard questions. Thankfully, I have a sweet and patient husband, with an entrepreneurial spirit and mindset, that I can hash out the hard questions with.  Also, a few close and dearest friends that encourage and push me along.  But even after the hashing out has taken place, I have to remember to give myself some grace. Breathe. Then, move forward with action.

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Curating a wedding day, the warm smiles in a family session, and the excitement of a graduating senior are all the aspects of this career that I love. I believe that pictures are much more than a snapshot for the day; they are the key to never letting a wonderful memory fade.

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